I should empty my Etsy cart, and not via the “complete purchase” button.

I should empty my Etsy cart, and not via the “complete purchase” button.

Allo, my friends. Let’s start this day off with some bullet points for no reason at all, shall we?

  • the cats are doing catlike things
  • I have coffee
  • the sun is shining
  • it was sunny yesterday

Two of the three cats are lounging around in the living room. Chaucer likes to get as close to Knickknack as he can just to piss her off. It’s all very much a “I’m not touching you” behavior.

I was finally able to go outside yesterday. With the sun and the clear skies, I had an afternoon poi session. I felt great. Did I look good? That’s debatable. I’ve been drooling over Russian tech fan flow stuff lately. The moves are incredibly similar to poi, but without as much room required. I’m specifically looking at this set of “fan” props. They’re actually in my cart.

I spent the rest of the afternoon painting. I was working on two paintings, one landscape and the other some flowers. The landscape looks a lot better than the flowers right now. That’s ok. That’s watercolor. It is what it is.

I have to keep telling myself to trust the process. It looks like shit, until it doesn’t. Sometimes, I get that glimmer of hope that maybe I can be artistic in some way and make money off it.

Today’s weather – and the rest of the week – look to be clear and gorgeous. Mom has a load of clothes in the wash. My headphones are charging.

If anyone needs me, I’ll be in the backyard. Have a good day, my friends.


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