

Bonjour, mes amis. That’s French for hey there, my bitches. We’ve started another day, and it’s a gray one. Maybe it’ll clear up. I hope so. I managed to sleep until 6am. I’m still sleepy. I want to go back to sleep.

Once again, I’m trying to convince Mal that I’m not going to force him to take the horrible pink medicine this time. So far, it’s not working. He’s avoiding me.

It’s also not clearing up outside.

Well, if it doesn’t clear up, it’s all the more reason to take a nap this afternoon.

I was able to get outside for some spinning. I didn’t get to paint, since we left for the Compound in the middle of the afternoon. However, the bit of time that I was outside was very much needed. I could relax a little. On the flip side, Brian was in a bad mood all day. He wanted to stay home and watch football instead of going to the Compound. Unfortunately, he feels like he can’t refuse the invitation to Sunday dinner.

I’m still slogging through Assassin’s Creed 3. It’s not bad, but it’s not Black Flag. I don’t mind the main story, although I don’t particularly like many of the characters. Maybe I’m not supposed to, but I don’t feel like the game’s writing is strong enough to make me, I don’t know… deliberately dislike people? I don’t know. It has its moments. My complaints are mostly with some of the gameplay mechanics for things that don’t really affect finishing things, like the homestead accounting and crafting systems.

If it rains today, and I can stay awake, maybe I’ll try to finish the game so I can get into Witcher 3.

I should just nap, regardless.


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