Throw shit, don’t buy it

Throw shit, don’t buy it

Howdy ho, friends. It’s a sunny Thursday. If I’m remembering correctly, the weather should be pretty nice today. It’ll be fucking hot, but at least it’ll be mostly sunny.

Mom went to her friend’s house and cleaned. I took off for an hour and went out. I only really needed to buy soda. My anxiety is ramping up again and it’s a nonstop fight to avoid any sort of retail therapy. I gave in the other night (black fabric poi with fat blue reflective strips) and I’m not doing it again. Instead, I bought the things I needed anyway – soda and the vape carts I would have bought next week.

Then I went back to the house for another couple of quiet hours alone. I spent almost an hour outside spinning. Spinning is better than retail therapy.


it’s humpday, and I managed to get my afternoon sesh before the rains show up. #poispinning #poi #LiveFlowSweatDuet

♬ Tetris – GEO

I believe today will be a repeat of Tuesday, with another big loop to check the traveling family’s houses. I’m going to do an upper body workout before the heat reaches ludicrous levels.


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