Back in Black

Back in Black

Hello, humans (it whatever sentient lifeforms ever read this). It’s a cloudy Friday morning. The humidity is already making the outdoors ridiculous. This morning’s workout will suck, I can feel it already.

But… It has to be done.

I cleaned out the back of the truck yesterday morning. I pulled out the footlocker, and started picking through its contents. After about 5 minutes, I took both piles – KEEP and TOSS – and threw it all out. The stuff I wanted to keep was stuff I wanted to bring into that house to wear. However, I’ve been here for almost 4 months, and I haven’t needed or wanted that stuff in the house. Once I realized that, the decision was simple. I moved a couple of winter things and another coat into the treasure chest. The only things left in the footlocker are a sweater, denim jacket, and one of Shawshank‘s cadet shirts.

The rest of the day was a complete mess that untangled and worked out fine in the long run. Mom decided we weren’t going to Home Depot, saying we enough time to do everything in the afternoon. We hauled 6 bags of clothes to the mission’s donation center. Their workers saw everything in the truck and I had to stop them from unloading everything. Then we went for Mom’s appointment. Unfortunately, even though they have her the appointment card, the doctor’s office never scheduled the fitting for Mom’s back brace. On the other hand, insurance hasn’t even approved a brace. We went to Home Depot as originally planned.

There’s been rumors swirling about what’s happening with the border on July 21st. The Canadians recently lifted the quarantine requirements for the people allowed to cross, and everyone’s thinking this is the month things really start opening up. I’m cautiously optimistic about it. Unfortunately, I don’t think it’ll happen. At least, not in the way they all want it to be.

Depending on the border crossing rules when I leave, I may mail things across to Shawshank on my way up. If I’m still required to have a negative Covid test before crossing, I’ll have a couple of days in Fargo. I’ll box some stuff up and mail it from there. It’ll be cheaper to send it from there than it would be from here.

Today, I’m going to do a workout. I’m going to spin some some poi, and have a good day.


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