We’re on the wrong side of the weekend.

We’re on the wrong side of the weekend.

Allo, folks. Happy Sunday.

Yesterday was good. I finished my errands, went to see family, and ended up staying for dinner. When I returned home, I immediately plunked my ass in the tub and had a bubble bath. It was a nice way to spend a really dreary day. Shawshank and I normally would have had our weekly “date” after dinner, but opted to just video chat all evening. Once I was out of the tub, of course. Bubble baths and phones don’t mix. That’s how you kill your phone.

On the other hand, my new phone will be here sometime today, so there’s a missed opportunity.

Since today’s weather is supposed to be better than yesterday’s, I’ll bring the truck around to the front of the house and start loading things. I’m taking a stone wall approach to packing my stuff: build a wall of big things, then fill in the gaps with things like Care Bears and ancient needlepoint throw pillows. I’m dealing with such a small amount of space as well as limited access to that space, I need to take my time and do it right.

On a positive note, at least one of us is moving.

Tonight, I’ll order once more from our favorite Chinese place. I think I’ll order like I did at Christmas. I’ll have dinners for a few days, and no need to go out to buy food.


    • crystal

      I would, but you know that stuff it is AWFUL reheated!

      • Small wonton soup then? Oh, also you need to get a scorpion bowl for 2

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