Yes, the Kid ‘N Play dance is a totally appropriate alternative to a goodbye hug.

Yes, the Kid ‘N Play dance is a totally appropriate alternative to a goodbye hug.

Good morning, everyone. It’s Friday. We’ve all made it through another week.

Yesterday’s visit with my sister went well. She’s got a lot of shit happening, and I feel bad for her. I gave her the “find the clit” wreath, and was nice enough to forewarn her of its contents. The last thing she needs is either her mother-in-law or our stepmother to look at it closely and spring the discovery of this hidden obscenity on her. We had some good talks about the future and my plans, and bonded over some shitty similarities in our marriages.

Covid means I couldn’t hold my new baby nephew and couldn’t give her a hug goodbye. We did a bit of a “Kid and Play” thing as a goodbye.

She called a few hours later. My older nephew (5) was upset I had visited when he was at preschool, and he wasn’t able to see me. She dialed and let him talk to me for a little while. I told him his puppy licked my entire head, and he told me how much he likes school.

On my way home, I stopped in at the local garage we’ve used for the last six years. I wanted them to take a look at the Hot Mess Express before I left for Florida, just to make sure it didn’t need anything. After a little wait they were able to bring it in and take a look at it. The owner brought me into the garage, saying “come with me, I want to show you something”. That’s not what I wanted to hear. I dreaded what they may have found for that entire 5 second walk across the garage.

However, it was all good. They topped up the various fluids, but the truck needs special steering fluid, and they didn’t have any in the shop. The owner told me what I needed to buy, saying I’m at the minimum and safe, but said it’s better to be full. They sent me on my way with no charge and wishes for a safe journey. If you’re ever in RI and need something done to your vehicle, I can’t recommend the crew at Ocean State Auto Repair enough.

Daily House Bullshit

Shawshank emailed the consulate for an update on his paperwork. They were sending it back out either yesterday or today. Unfortunately, they said it took them four days for the second bank draft to reach them. We’re hoping that was a fluke, or at the very least the mail moving towards TinyTown is faster than mail leaving it. I’m really hoping they’re returned quickly. Ideally, it would be great if they showed up on Monday. Shawshank has Mondays off, and the closest FedEx drop box is about almost three hours away.

Today will be the last Sweet Potato Fri-Yay for me. Someone from the water company will be here today to replace the water meter. I’m not sure why it needs it, but it was a requirement of the water company before they will close out our account when the house is sold. Either way I need to put clothes on.


  1. I remember going to high school dances and a couple of my friends would do the Kid n Play dance. They were the coolest!

  2. Yes, the Kid ‘N Play dance is a totally appropriate alternative to a goodbye hug.:…

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