ich mache pipi

ich mache pipi

I have handrails. People showed up yesterday, but not until around 10:15 am. I texted our agent at 10:30 and told her “there’s two cars outside, they showed up about 10-15 minutes ago and they have yet to start, I’m going grocery shopping.”

I’m not sure what time they actually started work, but I assume it was after the appraiser has been through. When I came home about 90 minutes later, they were still working on the back steps. They eventually moved a couple of guys into the basement stairway to install the rail in there, while another guy fucked with the rail in the front. FrontYard Guy almost disassembled a handrail that didn’t need to be installed. Eventually he decided not to fuck with the railing and just repair the cracked walkway instead.

However, for all the trouble involved, I didn’t pay for any of it, and it’s finished. One less thing to deal with. And if the sale falls through, then we have handrails and scraped paint and a radon test all taken care of for the next person.

Today is a “birthday parade” for one of my nephews. Naturally, we’re in the middle of a nasty rainstorm. And just because my life wouldn’t be complete without some sort of issues, the Amazon order with half of his presents didn’t show up yesterday. Amazon emailed me yesterday to let me know the delivery date is now today or tomorrow. I doubt that it will arrive in time, so I cancelled the delivery, but of course that’s not a guarantee it won’t show up anyway. If it shows up before I leave this afternoon, awesome. If not, I’ll stop at Walmart on the way down to my sister’s house. Hopefully the rain will move out before the birthday parade.

But wait, there’s more!

I also picked up a small book haul for my new nephew, who I’ve only ever seen on Facebook. I promised my mom I’d take a picture if I’m close enough. AND, I baked THE CAKE. My sister was disappointed she couldn’t have any for Christmas because she worried I’d somehow bake Covid-19 into the cake. Since I’ve isolated since I left work, I made one yesterday. I’ll make another one this morning, and give it to my uncle if I see him there.


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