I woke up to puke everywhere and if that’s not a sign I don’t know what is.

I woke up to puke everywhere and if that’s not a sign I don’t know what is.

At the weather is supposed to be nice today.

Good morning, my friends. It’s Wednesday, and I had a crappy sleep. I woke up just after 2am, but fell asleep before the Great Blumpkin made his appearance. Then around 4am, Mal decided it was a lovely time to have a purge.

All over the fucking carpet.

I have some tea, and it can’t kick in quickly enough.

Rhode Island decided to make shit super confusing last night. I had just finished my shower hen Shawshank texted to tell me RI seemed to have flipped red. It turned out that RI processed votes in three batches. First, in-person votes were counted and reported. An hour later, they reported the early votes. Then, another hour after that, the mail-in ballots. By the time I went to bed, RI had flipped back to blue. For anyone curious, it looks like the bill to change the state’s name passed.

I put in a request on Redfin for a consultation with one of their selling partner agents. We got snapped up by the agent we worked with when we bought the house in 2014. She immediately emailed me. I passed her on to Shawshank because it was pretty busy at work. He gave her the tl;dr. Her first question was about how I’m handling things. That impressed Shawshank. She let him know that if I wanted to, I could take off and she’d deal with everything up here. Once I actually meet up with her and get an idea of an actual time frame, I’ll decide whether I deal with shit long distance or not. She’s confident she can help sell quickly, for more than I was expecting, without having to do anything other than clean up.

I’ve got some work to do. At least the rest of the week should be nice, as well as the weekend.

However, I’m just going to deal with today for now.

1 Comment

  1. It’s hump day, and that counts for something. Have a great drive in 🙂

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