It’s Tuesday again, and there’s nothing we can do about it.

It’s Tuesday again, and there’s nothing we can do about it.

Good morning, people. Guess what, y’all? It’s Tuesday. How exciting. I have a big cup of tea, and I’m hoping to absorb some caffeine.

Yesterday was Matryoshka’s last shift with us, and the new grad pharmacist will be our staff pharmacist. He seems pretty excited. In an act that shouldn’t, and doesn’t surprise any one, our DM hasn’t actually even said anything to him yet. She told StressedRPh and the store manager. The store manager told the new guy.

My mom texted and gave me an update on my hugely pregnant sister. Her due date was initially Halloween. Two weeks ago, she had an appointment and they moved up her date. The new due date was supposed to be last Wednesday. She had an appointment yesterday. If things don’t move along, she’ll be induced on Wednesday or Thursday. They estimated the baby at over 9 lbs right now.

It’s another late shift with StressedRPh. She emailed our DM last week about a really sketchy doctor we’ve been seeing a huge amount of scripts from. We’re hoping to get permission to turn away his patients.

Other than that regular bullshit, I’ve done an hour workout, I need more tea, and I have 25 minutes to kill before Shawshank wakes up. Have a good day, my friends 😊

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