Sundays shouldn’t start with a stampede.

Sundays shouldn’t start with a stampede.

I don’t know what got into the cats today. They took turns chasing each other across and through the house in the wee hours of the morning. They made more noise than is appropriate for pre-dawn. It’s like two bowling balls rolling down the stairs. I don’t know how long they did it for, because I successfully ignored them enough to fall back to sleep. Later, I woke up long enough for Mal to check me out and give me a small headbutt. When I finally woke up, Mal was sleeping on top of me, a little black cat loaf on my hip.

Both of them are are crowding against me right now. If the laptop wasn’t actually in my lap, Chaucer would be. In fact, he’s doing his best to force me to accept his offering of snuggles.

I did my shopping yesterday. I went to the Halloween store to see if they had anything the jumped out at me. Nothing really interested me, but I did pick up a couple of shirts with a Fortnite Loot Llama. I put back the faux leather booty shorts. Then I went across the street for groceries, which I immediately regretted. I regret any visit to that store. Their selection sucks compared to the one nearer the house. However, I bought a bunch of tea and hot cocoa mix.

After I eventually came home and hauled all the stuff into the house, I made some lunch. Then I crashed. I laid down to have a quick afternoon nap, alarm set for 4:30pm. When the alarm went off, I turned it off and slept until 6pm.

The rest of the night was pretty much typical. I had some delicious burgers for dinner, and watched SNL with Shawshank, then fell asleep.

Today, it’s laundry and hair dye day. There’s some other random chores to take care of as well.

1 Comment

  1. I really enjoyed SNL last night. It was actually funny all the way through.

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