Morning, internet. Welcome to Monday. Fuck Monday. I was still in a shitty mood when I went to bed last night. I don’t expect much to change today, as much as Shawshank tried to tell me today will be better. I’m just so sick of trying to be upbeat and tell myself that everything will be ok.
In reality, I feel like nothing is going ok, nothing I do is working out the way I want it to, and I’m being punished for something I didn’t do. Then I feel bad for wanting something for myself, because I’m taking care of everything but myself.
I’m not sure who will be the boss today. I think it might be another split shift, but it could also be just StressedRPh. DayTech and I really wish they could come up with a schedule that’s somewhat regular. It makes it so much easier for everyone.
Tomorrow is payday, and I need to take a look at the budget I laid out in March. I planned to do so already, as I wanted to see how possible it might’ve been to budget in for the new ultra fancypants poi. Regardless of fancypoi wishful thinking, things have changed a bit financially. I have to figure out how much the decrease in hours and changes in bills have possibly fucked things up for the next coupe of months. Or not. I don’t know, because I haven’t looked at it in months.