like my name was “that bitch”

like my name was “that bitch”

Only two more shifts: that’s all I need to make it through before I can enjoy that sweet, sweet weekend. The humidity has finally broken and I woke up to a downpour. That prompted me to quickly shuffle things around on my bedside table in case the rain blew in and soaked things.

Yesterday was another one of those shifts; it was crazy in the morning and dead at the end of the day. StressedRPh left after lunch, and the floater we had was great. She, like the one we had on Tuesday afternoon, is also fed up with the lack of communication from the higher ups. StressedRPh asked the district manager if there was any progress in finding her a staff pharmacist. The response was “we’ll try to find some sort of consistency” when it comes to scheduling floaters. They schedule two floaters, and tell StressedRPh they’ll be there regularly. However, they didn’t pass this on to the floaters, both of whom would prefer to work closer to their home stores.

The heat was brutal last night when I left work. I opted to avoid the stove at all costs, and went to the grocery store to buy something I could just throw into the microwave. I ate buffalo chicken nuggets and sweated and chatted with Shawshank. He helped make meatloaf; his mother explained how to mix the two ground meats. I told him he missed his chance for a swirled meatload.

While he helped make dinner and ate with his family, I went outside and practiced with the poi. I’ve been alternating between two sets lately, my beloved LED podpoi from Flowtoys and a set I’ve rigged up with a pair of thigh high socks and cheap poi. The sock poi are what I use while I learn something new because they don’t spin quickly. And then I practice, practice, practice.

I feel like I’ve just started to get the hang of what I want to do. Now, it’s just a matter of muscle memory. After that, I start the really difficult part: learning to do it in the opposite direction. I have a lot of trouble just practicing, because I feel like I look ridiculous repeating the same move over and over and over again. However, I watch videos I make and can see that I really need to work on learning moves on both sides. Practicing is something I’m working on.

However, there’s been some fun shit as well.

I’m sure my neighbors are thrilled with my musical choices.

On the plus side, check out the beginning of the second clip. You can see me absolutely nail an air wrap, a trick I’ve been trying to land on camera on the first try for a while now.

But now, it’s time to head upstairs. It’s a late shift, and I have the morning to do a bit of a workout. It shouldn’t be too warm up there this morning, and I want to start the morning.


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