Bigger Than It

You are bigger than what is making you anxious (Flow by Yara)

Whenever you are anxious remind yourself that what you’re thinking about or what you’re scared about isn’t the reality. What anxiety does is that it makes whatever you’re worried about 10x bigger, 10x scarier. You’re braver than what is making you anxious, you’re more confident than what is making you anxious.

I don’t know who needs to hear this today.  Right now, I think the majority of us have something on our minds.  Maybe it’s worries about classes (and the lack thereof), whether you’re essential or not, or maybe you’re playing that now-common game of “allergies or the ‘Rona?”  Maybe you don’t need to read it, maybe your idea of anxiety is where your left shoe might be.   And that’s ok, too.

But remember, even if it doesn’t feel like it sometimes, you’re bigger than the worry.

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