But on Thursday, Make Sure

But on Thursday, Make Sure

It’s a really fucking muggy Thursday morning, my friends. I’ve been up in some capacity since about 4am. There’s a birds’ nest in the eaves on one corner of the the bedroom. The birdsong woke me up and the humidity kept me uncomfortably awake.

I also had to use the bathroom, but I stubbornly tried to go back to sleep instead of walk downstairs and resolve the situation. Even though he’s 2,000 miles away, I can hear Shawshank say “FOR THE LOVE OF GOD, WOMAN, JUST GO DOWNSTAIRS AND PEE!”

Yesterday’s shift was steadier than expected. When I work the morning shift, it’s just me and whatever pharmacist for the first five hours. However, when I work the second shift, DayTech and the pharmacist are only alone for three hours. I think we’ll have to adjust to the fact that my early shifts will suck. I can take consolation in the fact that I’m not losing too many hours, and I never have to deal with NewTech anymore.

Speaking of NewTech…. she could never make it in for her scheduled weekday shifts, but turned up last Saturday when the pharmacy was closed for the holiday.

Today is another closing shift. It’s weird to call it a “closing shift” when I can still be home early enough to actually cook something dinner for dinner. I haven’t decided exactly what I’ll make tonight. I think I’ll have chicken wraps, or something else quick. Maybe a peanut butter and bacon sandwich.

However, I managed to plan out some workout stuff for the morning.

It’s already miserably humid, and I expect it to be another very sweaty morning workout. I’ll bust my ass, finish up drenched, and then struggle to get out of my sports bra. We’ll consider that a bonus resistance band workout. It’ll be great.

And… it’s Thursday. The weekend is one day closer. I have a lot of chores to do, and the back of the truck is filled with boxes to fill with trash or donations. Shawshank‘s mom is worried I’ll bring too much with me and be turned away from the border. I don’t think she really realizes that most of the contents of the house won’t cross the border with me. Nor do I intend to mail it to TinyTown. We don’t know when exactly the border will open. It could be as early as August, and I need to get the house in order ASAP. I expect things will suck for the majority of the weekend. Alas, it needs to be done.

Just like my workout.

Have a good Thursday, everyone.


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