I also need bacon, but that’s beside the point.

I also need bacon, but that’s beside the point.

Morning. It’s Sunday, if you weren’t aware. The weekend is nearly over, and it’s a beautiful day. I didn’t do much yesterday, and I have more of the same on the agenda for today. My dumbass cats woke me up at roughly the same time I feed them during the week, and I’ve been up for an hour now. Coffee in hand, dye in my hair. The only thing I might do is make a trip to Walmart to buy a cheap vacuum for my little bit of carpet. In addition to the fact I obviously starve them, it looks like I rub the cats directly on the carpet, that’s the only thing that explains how much fur is there.

I spent some time outside yesterday. I only made it onto the front deck, since the rest of the yard is unusable until I can have the lawn mowed.

Protip: Fuck Lawnstarter.

I talked to Mom yesterday afternoon and Shawshank last night. Mom had called on Friday night, but I was on Shawshank‘s call and didn’t answer hers. Like I told her last night, it was the first time in over three months that we weren’t limited to a 20-minute call. She wanted to know what happened at the border, and more curious about what will happen with his criminal record. We talked about how he spent his week, and his drive up.

I called Shawshank after dinner. He still doesn’t feel 100% and has had a headache for two days now; caffeine withdrawal and stress, for the most part. He’s always been a creature of habit, and his detainment only solidified his routine. Unfortunately, the hotel’s meal delivery isn’t as strictly scheduled as what he’s accustomed to. They only had two volunteers working yesterday, and meals were delivered almost two hours late all day. Additionally, he had nothing but really bland meals since he went in. Food at the hotel is better quality instead of rice and random veggies, and he gets nauseous if he tries to finish the meals. He says he has a stockpile of cheese and dessert in his mini-fridge.

Aside from the trip to buy a cheap vacuum, I have to do the laundry, and vacuum the living room. There’s some stuff in the Pink Room I’d like to throw out this week. But most of all, I’d like to work on the last Pony I started 6 years ago. If I can finish that, I feel like I might be able to finish some of the other shit I start but never finish.

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