Flying Blind

Flying Blind

Good Tuesday tidings, my friends. I’m up, after only sleeping in a little later than normal. I’m on my second cup of coffee, which is unusual for me. However, it’s unusual to have a day off on a Tuesday. Extra coffee is allowed.

Once again, I’m finding myself annoyed with humanity in general, and Facebook Marketplace in particular. I put a fresh install of Ubuntu on Shawshank‘s older laptop and listed it for sale. It’s not an amazing laptop, but it does the job. Our state just announced schools will remain closed for the rest of the school year, and it’s all virtual learning from here on out. I haven’t gotten as much interest as I’d expected, but the people who have messaged me are complete tools. “Can you deliver?” No, the ad says pickup only. “Will you accept an XBox?” Fuck no, I don’t want more shit. “Does it have ______?” I don’t know, I put the model number in the ad, Google that shit. I’m more surprised that I’m not having people asking me to put Windows on it.

It’s the first big Purge day! Some of the things that are heading out to the curb today include

  • several lamps, including one made with ACTUAL DEER FEET
  • at least two fans
  • a box of pans
  • a box of dessert plates
  • 3 big bags of shit that can’t be donated
  • a lot of other trash

I’ve kicked things off by putting out a box of “blind date books”. The local Barnes and Noble had a table with the idea a few years ago, and a recent Reddit post made me remember it. I had a box of books that was getting donated anyway, and a shitload of brown paper bags. Why the hell not do it myself?

The evil part of me put out a copy of The Stand. The really evil part of me is upset I didn’t label it “the feel good read of the year”.

I think it will be nice to have the house a little emptier after tonight. The clutter makes me anxious. It will definitely be better for sorting the things that remain.

Dearly Deported Update

Since it’s Tuesday, I can expect a call from Shawshank after dinner. Last night, I chatted with his mother and gave her an update on his case. Really, it was a non-update. As of Thursday’s virtual court hearing, Shawshank has been officially ordered removed from the US. However, they can’t actually give him a removal date at the hearing. There’s too many things that need to happen first. At the moment, the Canadian side of things needs to determine what his plea deal here would be equal to on the other side of the border, and supply him with travel documents. For Shawshank, he can make his appointments with the ICE agent and the detainee advocate, but it’s just a matter of waiting.


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