

Good morning, world. I’ve joined the world of the living. I don’t remember what time I woke up; I went back to sleep the first time, but stayed awake when I woke up again around 6am. That’s when Chaucer woke up and decided to sing.

I felt like shit for most of the day. It could’ve been a bad sleep, maybe I’m coming down with something, but I felt decidedly not good. I didn’t feel sick, I didn’t feel bad, I felt not good. I felt like Friday night’s fries were stuck somewhere just behind my sternum, and I couldn’t move. It took a monumental amount of drive to get my ass off the couch to assume a human form. Once I was dressed, I just watched Nat Geo. I even took a little cat nap before Shawshank came home from work in the afternoon.

We made the drive out to Slightly BiggerTown for shopping. The roads were much, MUCH better than I had expected, which meant my anxiety was also better than expected. We saw a lot of birds out – big ravens eating roadkill, little grouse running across the road – and a herd of deer. We finished shopping pretty quickly, grabbed sandwiches to go, and headed home. By the time we were back it was about 4pm, and we ate an early dinner. I played a few games of Slay the Spire, but every one of them sucked. Eventually, Shawshank tossed me in the tub in an effort to leech out the angst.

I’m a little better this morning, even drinking some coffee today. I still feel a little fry-locked, but without yesterday’s overall malaise. Shawshank is working all day, so we’re doing dinner at home rather than the regular Sunday dinner at Shady Acres. We’ll be celebrating National Pizza Day with a grocery store pizza.


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