always burning

Hello, loves. It’s morning. Not only that, but it’s Monday morning. Are we excited? That’s entirely up to you. I’m certainly not excited. It’s morning, I’ve been up since about 5:30, and we’re under yet another extreme cold warning for the area. That’s a hat trick of bullshit if I ever saw one.

We had a good weekend, and mostly snuggled on the couch with the cat(s). Aside from the trip out on Friday and dinner at Shady Acres last night, we didn’t leave the house. We didn’t even game. Once we came home from dinner, I slapped some pink dye in my hair. I can’t wait to see if it goes under a black light later tonight.

Shawshank is back to work tonight. I’m planning to look through my fabric stash for stuff to make something cute. After looking at the envelope a little closer, I don’t think I’ll need to modify too much. I’m also going to start cutting the pattern out of its paper prison.


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