Hello, Monday. Welcome back. I’m awake, Pippin’s sniffing a shake of catnip, and Chaucer has a case of the poop zoomies. I woke up around the same time Shawshank left for work. I tried to sleep, but eventually just scrolled through Reddit on my phone.
Yesterday’s goal was to do something. I failed, and stayed in jammies all day. In fact, I didn’t do a single fucking thing. I slothed out on the couch. I knew my hair wasn’t going to behave, so putting in locs was out of the question once more. Shawshank left for work with a warning, don’t watch “Meet the Press”, I’ve seen the guests, you’ll just end up angry. I took his advice. So after the fluffy morning programs finished, I played Divinity: Original Sin 2 all afternoon.
I’m off the island, finally. I cheesed my way through an awful battle by teleporting a boss onto a tiny ledge where they had no line of sight. Boss couldn’t move, leaving my party to deal with the henchmen without extra interference. The last fight took a few more attempts, as the convenient teleport trick didn’t work (as well).
Shawshank‘s got a one-off morning shift today, but will be home after lunchtime. I’m going to put clothes on and try to be a real human, mostly because these jammies need to be washed. Today is Skyrim‘s 13th birthday, and Shawshank suggested I play it today. I don’t know what I’m doing.