
Morning, y’all. I’m up, and not at all pleased about it. It’s been one of those mornings. I woke up around 5am, too warm. Now, two hours later, my guts are in a tizzy, and I’m fighting for control over my core temp. I took a quick shower; we’ll see if that helps at all. I’m going to try to get more fluids* into myself today, because I know I was really bad about doing so yesterday. If things aren’t going to improve, I’m hoping this is as bad as it gets. I don’t want another episode.

As much as I’d like things to be better, I have a feeling today will be another one of those days. My self care mode has entirely switched off this morning. My inability to keep myself adequately hydrated plays a huge part, I’m sure.

* we’re talking proper hydration here, not just the morning coffee or my daily can of Cherry Pepsi.


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