Oh look there’s sunshine!

Good morning, my friends. I smoked enough to utterly pass out last night. I took great care in setting up the first couple of songs in the sleepytime playlist, ensuring I’d drift off to Dreamland accompanied by only the best music. In the end, I didn’t even turn on the sleep mask. I crawled into the bed, made myself comfy, then my consciousness utterly dissolved.

I worked on some hair yesterday morning. Just as expected, I was able to seal another six or so before the iron started causing problems. I moved everything around the living room and switched to playing Skyrim until Shawshank came home. Contrary to last week’s musings, my save file still loads without problems. Catnip the Sparky-Thief continues to cause trouble for bandits and vampires.

Once Shawshank came home, we exchanged anniversary presents and lounged around. We watched some Youtube shorts and I completed a couple of little quests. After dinner, we showered and watched “Interstellar”. This was Shawshank‘s first viewing, and he enjoyed it a lot. I enjoyed it much more this time than my first watch.

I don’t think I shared this screenshot before.

I’m endlessly amused by the direct messages that are caught in TikTok’s filters. I can’t imagine what this guy might’ve said to someone that resulted in his account being deleted. There’s a user who regularly comes in with different usernames and I call out his behavior all the time. I know the AI moderation is terrible on the app, but c’mon. We all know you’re not blameless.

Shawshank is working the full shift today, with the trade off being the next two full days off. My plan is to whip up the last of the hair I need (or at least just more hair), and enjoy some good physical activity. I need some flow time.


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