stupid sexy tractor

stupid sexy tractor

Is it Sunday? I can’t tell anymore. Shawshank was off and we left town on Friday, then worked yesterday morning. He’s off today. It’ll be a normal-ish Sunday, although he woke up around 7am thinking I’d woken him. The power flickered very briefly, just enough to turn off the fan and turn on the aurora light.

I ate lunch while I watched the heritage day festivities from our walkway yesterday. When the parade started, I moved closer to the street. Within 15 minutes, the parade had passed, and I’d amassed a tidy little pile of candy.

I filled the rest of the morning working on some locs, then switched to Skyrim before the sun started baking me. I’m still working on the gradient locks, and so far they’re turning out very nice. I’ll probably end up with about 15-18 between those two packs of hair. When I finish those, I’ll see how much the solid pink clashes and whether I need to temper it with some black.

I should not have taken the solid blue out of my cart.

Since today is Sunday, we’re going to Shady Acres for dinner. I’ll fill the morning by assuming a human form and then trying to work some hair magic.


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