

Good morning, y’all. Happy Sunday. Aside from the brief moment in the morning where Chaucer woke the household with a vom-fest in the hallway, I let Shawshank sleep in. I had it cleaned up before he got out of bed.

TinyTown is under yet another air quality warning today. We’ve been seeing some warm temps lately, and the humidity is kicking our asses. The cats are melting; both spent much of yesterday sprawled out. We regularly verify that Chaucer is still alive and breathing.

Yesterday wasn’t all sprawling. We briefly left the house because someone in town was having an “EVERYTHING MUST GO” sale. We made the 10-second drive across town to check it out, but they didn’t have anything we wanted or needed. The only thing we might’ve considered was some cat furniture. I didn’t think we had the space for a cat tree or running wheel. Shawshank didn’t want to take the bed from the sweet, fluffy kitty who still lived there. There was nothing in the owner’s craft hoard that I needed to add to mine. We left empty-handed, but stopped at the grocery store for lunch.

Aside from the shopping, I expect today to be similar. Shawshank‘s already started the laundry. We’ll have brunch, and go out to Shady Acres for dinner later.


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