Not monday

Hello, world. Happy Tuesday. The skies are a little cloudy, but it’s still early. Shit can still change. I’ve been up for a little while, but that’s typical. Chaucer was sick just before the alarm went off, so I got out of bed to deal with that.

We enjoyed our lazy day. I played Just Dance in the morning, while Shawshank fixed brunch. After allowing him the privilege of watching my rhythmic flailing, I had a waffle and some bacon. Then I napped all afternoon, to the point I apologized for not staying awake and actually interacting with the household. Chaucer didn’t mind.

Shawshank‘s working the closing shift today, so I’ll have the evening to myself. I have to go through the genie pants that are hanging up and determine which Etsy listings I need to take down. I’ll figure it out. I won’t be bored, for sure.


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