

Yesterday’s sunshine was short-lived. While Wednesday was gorgeous all day, the skies over TinyTown are gray and overcast this morning. Regardless of cloud cover, I opened the back door for Pippin. She doesn’t bother herself with such trifling matters.

I was able to go outside and enjoy some quick spin-time twice. For the most part, the wind was just a bit too much for flow. Occasionally, the breeze would disappear and I could pop out for a couple of minutes at a time.


it’s June, I think I deserve some nice weather for a change. enjoy this sloppy leviwand flow.

♬ Welcome to the SShow – DHmusic

I finished another 5-6 pairs of pants yesterday. I think there’s only a few more pairs in the closet, but I wouldn’t be shocked if there’s more. Shawshank said we’d wait until tomorrow to do it, but I’m going to start washing and hanging them this afternoon. This is going to be several loads. When I say “several“, that word is doing some heavy lifting. I’m conveying the same type of vast understatement as Julia Roberts’s wonderful “big mistake” line in “Pretty Woman“.

I plan to sell them at small town prices. Selling them on Etsy sucks ass, there are fees upon fees. I’d prefer to use location-based shipping costs, but doing so incurs fees on both the item and its postage. More importantly, unfortunately, is that Etsy‘s algorithm gives preference to listings with free shipping. As a result, I had to increase prices to cover free shipping, otherwise my shit never comes up in searches. Plus, I don’t want to deal with the headache of multiple pricing tables for different regions. Consequently, I’ve limited my sales to the US and Canada only.

I guess I should get ready to start my day. The Chromebook holds about 3 hours worth of use before I need to plug it in, and I’m about halfway through its current charge.


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