the space between

the space between

Happy Hump Day, y’all. Shit’s Wednesday. We’re officially awake. It seems as though my new thing is waking up around 3am, cold. I wake up freezing, so I have to rearrange myself and the covers, then immediately go back to sleep. While I don’t usually hear his alarm, I’m usually quasi-awake when Shawshank comes in, switches on the aurora lamp, and kisses me good bye. I guess I should be happy when I can fall asleep in the space between.

I did nothing yesterday. On Sunday, I told Shawshank I was productive as fuck and could use that as an excuse to slack off later, without beating myself up. Yesterday was that day. Instead of being productive in any way at all, I played Just Dance in the morning, running through a mixed playlist of songs I played last week. It went ok. I managed to break my record on a couple of routines. I’ve also started messing with the game’s Vs. mode. You’re “matched” with someone at a comparable level and compete against other players’ high scores. It’s especially fun when I’ve never played that routine before. Unless I’m dead and in full rigor, I’m almost guaranteed to do better than my opponent.

When Shawshank came home, we took a nap. I don’t know how much I napped; I have a lot of trouble with proper naps. For most of the hour or so before he came home, I was fighting sleep on the couch. I know for a fact I could have passed out right there without a problem, but I’ll struggle to nap in bed.

Today I’m going to do things. I should get moving. I can’t slack today, I’ve used up my excuses. BossRPh texted this morning to let me know it’s International Goth Day. I told her she’d solved my daily dilemma of what to do with my makeup. If I can get into a FUCK YEAH PHOTOSHOOT mindset early enough, I’ll do that. Can we combine the two?


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