

Good morning, world. Happy Friday. Spring has sprung. National Geographic ain’t got nothing on my wildlife documentary skills.

Things are sunny and bright here in TinyTown. Pippin is already sitting on her little table in the doorway. I’ve been up since around the time Shawshank left for work.

Yesterday was A DAY. I couldn’t do a single fucking thing. I had zero motivation to do anything. I’d start, then become paralyzed. It was terrible. None of the tasks I tried would “stick”. I played Just Dance in between bouts of paralysis. I probably should have just put on some yoga or something.

In one several of my attempts to GODDAMNIT DO THE THINGS, I managed to take a handful of pictures for Etsy. It took multiple sessions. I couldn’t get my backdrop bullshit to work. At the same time, I couldn’t decide where to do it outside because there isn’t much nice scenery in the yard. There is also the major problem of how much of a fucking bitch it is to figure out where to put the camera/tripod because I can’t fucking see the screen. I took pics of one pair, wasn’t happy with the results, got disgusted, and said “fuck it” and danced for 20 minutes.

Lather, rinse, repeat.

I ended up with photos of three pairs, and I hate all of them. Oh well.

Shawshank will be home in the afternoon, and I’m pretty sure he’ll crash for a nap shortly thereafter. We’ve got the weekend to do nothing.


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