whoop whoop

whoop whoop

Yay, Monday.

We’re still seeing some fog up here. There’s still an advisory about low visibility. It’s creepy and beautiful, but the gloom brings my mood down after a few days. I’ve been mentally fidgety throughout the weekend. It’s driving me nuts, probably Shawshank even more so. Have a few good days, then have one random thought and I’m fucked for the next two.

Yesterday was pretty low key. Shawshank made us a delicious brunch. Later, we watched the latest “Mission: Impossible” movie, and I made it through about 2/3 of it. I tried to stay awake, and I was doing so well for the first bit of it. Then suddenly everything about the movie’s pacing was terrible and I passed out. I woke up in time to watch and make fun of the last hour or so. After the movie, I played a bit of “Disco Elysium” until it was time to make dinner. I accomplished a little bit of side questing, but nothing major.

With the arrival of Monday comes a new work week. There were some shakeups with his latest schedule when someone put in their notice, and he’s got two closing shifts to start the week. I’m going to take some pics this afternoon, then play some “Just Dance” and fuck around on TikTok until he comes home.


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