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Allo, world. Happy Monday. We’re all awake, but it’s still dark.

We both had active mornings yesterday. Shawshank had to go to work early for inventory. I did morning things and then loaded up “Just Dance”. I figured out how to put the game into workout mode just before quitting on Friday, and I was eager to see how it worked.

I burnt a whopping 39.7 kcal for Avril Levigne’s “Girlfriend”

I don’t know how accurate it is, or how it even calculates anything. I’m sure it’s just a basic, average formula, since I didn’t add height/weight info anywhere. I did about 20-ish songs, and only felt like I was going to die once this time around.

Like poi and leviwand, I need to learn to slow the fuck down in the game. I’m trying. I see the little graphic telling me what moves are next, and I want to do them all, and as quickly as possible. Some random switch flipped in my head halfway through yesterday’s session, and I realized I don’t need to look at them. In fact, if I just match the coach’s movement instead of my interpretation of what the cartoon dude looks like it’s doing, I actually do the shit the game wants (who knew?!? /s ). There is an option to turn the pictograms off, but I don’t think I’ll do that just yet.

Shawshank has today off, and today is brunch day. I have a fresh batch of waffles in the freezer.


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