whoops, my bad

whoops, my bad

It’s the end of the week, and the end of an era. We’re up, it’s dark. I don’t think any snow fell overnight but who knows because it’s dark. Saskatchewan doesn’t do the whole spring ahead/fall back bullshit, but goddammit it feels darker in the morning.

I did my thing yesterday, and ended up streaming on TikTok for a while. I’ve been trying to force myself into some sort of activity, so I spun poi before Shawshank came home for lunch. I played Tears of The Kingdom and Skyrim later. I should have done more.

After dinner, I worked on updating some more website stuff for Shawshank‘s boss. I spent 90 minutes doing price changes. Everything’s on sale, except one part of the shop, which was fucked up when we adjusted the regular prices and not sale prices. Unfortunately, the inventory system doesn’t backup revisions to product info. There’s no way to roll back 140+ products to their original prices. I am absolutely not going to sit here for 6 hours calculating each one and modifying every product listing. As a result, while that category is also “on sale”, it doesn’t show original prices or little “SALE!” icons.

I told Shawshank to throw me under the bus and blame me. I don’t give a shit.

Today is Shawshank‘s last day in the shop. Back in October, his boss made the decision to close up the storefront at the end of the year. She offered a good severance package if he stayed, but he started looking for something new as soon as she made a public announcement. He found something just outside TinyTown, for a little less hourly, but more hours weekly. In this job market, if you find something close to town and full time, you fucking take it, severance or not. His boss wasn’t happy with this, and it’s been a very tense two weeks. He’s taking next week off to decompress.

Today is date night, so once he leaves work tonight, we’ll go out for dinner. We’re making a trip out to a Walmart-level town tomorrow, and then we can relax.


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