

Good morning, y’all. Happy Monday, or pre-Halloween, or whatever you’d prefer. I’m up, and we’re not talking about it. The skies are gray, the snow remains. The coffee is hot and tasty this morning.

Yesterday was as lazy as we could make it. Shawshank started the laundry. He offered me the Switch controller, but I opted to paint my nails instead. My fingers and toes are now sporting a soft pink chrome. The color is a lot softer than what I normally go for. It’s pretty, but I typically favor something with more of a contrast against my skin. While I did my thing, he played “No Man’s Sky”.

Dinner at Shady Acres was typical. Shawshank‘s mom has been cleaning out his grandmother’s room at home, and had a pile waiting for us. We loaded several boxes into her truck, where they’ll wait until the secondhand store is open again. Shawshank and his father attempted to do some flooring, but everything went bad and home maintenance was cancelled.

We’re making the drive out to Slightly BiggerTown this morning. We don’t have a big shopping list, but we need a couple of things for the week. Our normal weekend schedule was scrambled with the Hot Mess’s repairs. I’ll do the human things. We’ll go out this morning, grab what we need, and come home to spend the rest of the day comfortably lazy. Instead of brunch, we’re having breakfast for dinner.


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