Is it Sunday? I think it’s Sunday. My calendar is fried this morning. For some reason, I thought it was Monday.
The Hot Mess Express rides again. Shawshank met up with his dad yesterday morning before lunch time. They tried to use the jump pack to get it started, but it didn’t have enough juice. His dad declared the battery ultradead, and they went up to the farm/auto place in town to buy a replacement. About 90 minutes later, the truck was alive once more.
Aside from resurrecting the truck, we made yesterday super lazy. I played Skyrim all day, starting a stream when the truck repairs began. As expected, I spent about half my time above ground this time around. I spent as little time as possible in Blackreach; while I don’t mind the area, I didn’t want to spend any more time than I needed there. Since I wasn’t in the mood to deal with any other Dawnguard shit, I moved onto some easy stuff. We turned in several quest objectives and cleared out some caves and mines.

I streamed for a few hours. The feet guys were in, but only the shitty ones. They like to make demands and don’t appreciate what they get. However, Shawshank only had to ban one person from the stream yesterday…
Since today is Sunday, it’s also chore day. Shawshank has already started the laundry, and we’ll go over to Shady Acres later this afternoon. I’ll assume a human form and fill the time between this morning and our visit with this week’s mani/pedi.