but why can’t i have a pet racoon?

Good morning, people. I managed to find the weirdest working combination of blankets yet, where I turn the heated mattress pad to level 2 then sleep on top of 2/3 of the blankets. We crawled out of the bedroom to a gloriously sunny morning, and 🔥a heat warning🔥. Climate change? In my backyard? I FEEL SO INCLUDED.

Saturday was busy, but not bad in the grand scheme of things. Shawshank went to work in the morning. I did my typical morning live stream on TikTok while I assumed a human form. The highlight of my morning was a visit from a troll who berated my looks and my age, telling me I have no business streaming, then tried to follow me.

The audacity.

I occupied myself for the first part of the day. I let the makeup live stream go on and simply moved on to cutting and pinning fabric. More people watched that than makeup. I prepped fabric for two more projects before moving on to the actual sewing parts.

I spent most of the time working on a vintage floral with contrasting bands. After realizing once again that I fucking hate pleating, I looked at video to figure out how to gather fabric. I knew it was mostly a matter of learning how to adjust my machine, and it was. While it didn’t drastically cut down on the time it took me to install the waistband and ankle cuffs, the new process was definitely much faster and easier. With practice, it will get better. I told Shawshank I could lower the proposed prices on items with waistbands/cuffs, but he told me to keep them where they are. “It’s a special skill and that gets an extra charge”, he said.

We drove out to Slightly BiggerTown to do a round of shopping when he got out of work. A quick stop in the dispo saw us getting a new cart and a spur of the moment silicone bong*. The next stop was the most needed one: the one for groceries. We grabbed a couple of sandwiches for dinner on the way out of town.

Today, we’re going out to another little town to check out the rodeo. I have sunscreen.

* Fucking great, by the way.


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