nancy drew and the mystery of the blog that no one reads

nancy drew and the mystery of the blog that no one reads

Happy Hump Day, yall. Sunshine replaces yesterday’s rain, and it’s gloriously bright outside this morning. Quite the change from yesterday, when most of the day was overcast. The skies were ominous as fuck. We saw a few sprinkles throughout the day, but nothing substantial until bedtime.

Aside from the all-day threat of rain, it was a mostly typical Tuesday. I assumed a human form and put on clothes and started working on crafty bullshit. Shawshank, with nothing much to do at work, took off early and came home just before lunch. He made us a lunch of Kraft Dinner and hot dogs while I struggled with – what else – sewing up genie pants. I finished the ones I had been struggling with (the pink/white fabric in the photos below) the day before. They’re still somewhat longer than I’d like. I’m not 100% certain if I’ll attempt to modify them yet again. While I’m not happy with the length, I don’t want to fuck with the pleated waist for a third time. I also don’t think the waistband could handle yet another disassembly.

Before he left the house for work, Shawshank emptied the cup filled with spare change. “The secondhand store is 50% off today”, he told me. “If I don’t come home early, go up on your own and see what they have without me.” Since he was home, I didn’t need to go alone. We headed out just after they opened. I checked out everything in the bedding closet while Shawshank went to look through the books.

My fabric stash is stocked to the gills. In addition to the six sheets I picked up on Monday, I’ve added two more vintage sheets in the loudest floral I’ve ever found. I also scored two curtain panels made of a taffeta(?) that shifts color between black and maroon. For some reason, the curtain panels included what appears to be either beaded napkins or weird doily-like squares. I imagine an entire living room, decorated with these fancy-like curtains and Yankee candles set on little taffeta “rugs”. We left the collection of Nancy Drew books, but I snagged the one about backwards satanic messages in music on the way out. I couldn’t pass it up, not when it was free.

I managed to tear myself away from the craft floor long enough to spin poi outside when it finally got dark enough. Unfortunately, I stopped and stayed in one spot for too long and the mosquitoes found me. I only stopped spinning because a couple walking down the road stopped at the end of the walkway and started asking questions. Folks, I’m trying to get baked AF and leave this plane of existence. Don’t start asking me questions about my toys. Just let me do gremlin things in the yard.

Shawshank‘s back to work today. The clouds are moving in again, and I have no idea what the weather has in store for us. The vacuum room mower will do its thing for another half an hour or so, and then I’ll assume a human form. We’ll figure it out from there.


    • crystal

      Right? Leave me alone, I can’t associate with people on normal days, let alone when I’m just starting to enjoy the high and some old couple wants to get a lecture on poi’s roots in aboriginal weapons training.

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