Good morning, world. It’s a new week, and the sun is shining.
We enjoyed our Sunday at home, and played some BotW. Shawshank is madly prepping for the last battle. I played some as well; he wants me to get to the same point before he tries. I adventured in my typical fashion. In this case, I loaded the game with the intent of making a round of shopping to buy out all the arrows I could possibly find. After buying all the arrows in two towns, I forgot this task, finished a quest instead, and then decided to explore and find treasure chests.
An hour or two later, I put down the controller and we headed out to Shady Acres. We’re borrowing stuff this week. Shawshank asked to borrow their vacuum, because sometimes we feel like the robot needs an assistant. I took home a sewing machine and its things. I really want to upcycle some jeans into a skirt, and need to take in some booty shorts made for someone with more booty.

After dinner, we started receiving alerts that KP index conditions were right for aurora viewing. I laughed, because it was still daylight. Bright daylight.
Like, the sun hadn’t even set yet.
A 4% chance to see them is still a chance, we joked.
But the alerts kept coming all evening. Shawshank‘s phone would go off, then mine. He’d check the optimal viewing map, I’d look out one of the windows. Before one such alert-turned-smoke break, Shawshank showed me the app’s map, with TinyTown firmly in its prime aurora viewing area. I joked that I didn’t know why I kept looking out the window because I can’t fucking see them from inside the house anyway.
Outside the house, they were definitely visible.

After a couple of minutes of standing in the yard, Shawshank suggested we take the truck and head outside of town. I grabbed poi because WHEN WILL I GET THE CHANCE TO SPIN UNDER THE FUCKING NORTHERN LIGHTS EVER AGAIN. He took some absolutely gorgeous pics while I played with my balls under the lights. I can’t imagine seeing it in a lifetime when we didn’t know the science behind it. Even knowing the science, that shit’s fucking magic and no one can convince me otherwise.
Today is sloth day. Shawshank will make brunch, I’ll vacuum. He says he might put me down for a nap this afternoon to make up for being up early this morning. I went into the yard to take care of a bird who slammed into the front window and didn’t make it, but that’s it. No matter what we do, I’m not getting out of these jammies.
so jealous, I want to see the aura
About the Pax, for on the go it is a viable option, but at home?
My oiud vape:
1) This enail, is by Crossing. I looked at Herb Cafe I thought they had this, didn’t see it:
2) This is the vape head – you can get the pearls elsewhere, or just order from CH (CH and shipping to CA not sure, but I have Canadian discord friends that have cannabis hardware):
3a) This is the “bowl” get the shovelhead 14mm or 18mm based on the glass joint on your rig:
3b) Or a glass head, much cheaper and now with passthrough-easy carb:
4) This is way overpriced, but this is the rig design that works well:
The one I have is a an 18mm tube from calibear
5) DHGate has this for ~60USD (shipping can be measured in months, but I bet you know DHGate)|2|0|unrerank|newes.newC.#d1_page_num=1:41
You want wide open pull. This design is great for the volume of air it can pass and not get water splashed into the stem. With good weed, this is better than dabbing concentrates for flavor, and it hits like a dab
I had an enail and tube already so I just had to add a 20mm coil, item 2 and 3
I made the mistake of getting a 30mm coil, concentrate banger, enail, and later added the 20mm coil that also comes with a dab banger
get number 1) and a rig and you have a hell of a concentrate setup
6) They sell (when in stock) what I have for a cool 746USD:
Or build-a-vape
115.00 for the enail and coil from INH (I need hemp)
74.50 for the B0 vape head with 3mm ruby
64.00 for the 3a) shovelhead
18.00 for the 3b) glass injector with bypass for 18.00
253.50USD for the shovelhead bowl
207.50USD for the glass injector I always buy two when I buy glass accessories so add 18
746USD when they get stock
and you can get whatever glass that works for you
my setup
tube with shovelhead (oiud goes in here)
tube with shovelhead and b0 vape goes on top
this takes a fairly hard draw. Pulling through weed and the vape, that is why the straight tubes work best, if possible, shoot for an 18mm joint on the rig
PS All through out here I have been talking like you asked me about this, forgive my busybody habit
Ack, I posted a LONG comment and didn’t save it. It is not showing \(〇_o)/
I hope that comment is in moderation
You are my test to see if I can describe the ball vape in the comment well enough to explain how to put one together
You’re all good!