black sheep

black sheep

Mornin’, y’all. Happy Saturday. We’ve got the typical morning up here: cool, sunny, and ridiculously bright. Chaucer is laying across Shawshank‘s legs. I’m doing my normal morning routine, trying to write a post while looking at two different tabs of Reddit, a Discord server, and today’s bonus distraction, an Audubon Society bird book from 1977.

Our Friday was good. I achieved everything I wanted to do. I fired up the shower and loaded a stream, which was just as empty as I expect them to be. That doesn’t matter, because it’s a low-effort spicy content creation. Both Onlyfans and Fansly offer the ability to go live, but OF’s system is more user friendly to me for the moment. I usually end up poking through the HTML code on my OF profile to find the archived stream source, download it, then re-upload it on Fansly. According to at least one idiot politician, that makes me an expert hacker.

Shawshank came home for lunch. I puttered and chatted and played with my flow toys until later in the afternoon. I’m really trying to play with my leviwand more often. I struggle a lot with it; I want to be good with it, and I know the only way to get good is to actually practice. At the same time, I’m very easily frustrated by it, because why can’t I just be good at it?

I usually end up streaming on TikTok in the late afternoon if Shawshank stays at work, so that’s what I did. I saw the usual “ew, you’re old” a few times. One person told me my forefathers would be disappointed in me. Someone else accused me of being a recording yesterday: “unless you’re wearing the same boxers as yesterday”. Seriously? I spent about three solid weeks wearing the almost same exact bodysuit/skirt/cat ears combination and no one gives two shits, but as soon as I make the effort to cover my ass cheeks so I don’t get banned, then someone notices.

Today, Shawshank is working. Once he gets out in the afternoon, we’ll drive out to Slightly BiggerTown and do some light shopping. I’ll put on clothes and find some way to occupy myself until he comes home.


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