it’s bright out today

Hello, world. Happy morning. What day is it? I think it’s Friday.

I had a decent day yesterday. I assumed my human form early, put on some clothes and played with my hair straightener. After a bit of fuss and waking up the muscle memory of how to hold/turn it, it worked pretty well. Perhaps too well, because now I need to shower and deep condition the shit out of my head. The resulting curls* were very 80’s-esque, and I took some impromptu glamour shots with a jean jacket I found in the closet. No, I’m not posting them. I showed one to Shawshank and he asked me to send it to him, but I told him he couldn’t set it as a wallpaper. Now he’s disappointed.

The snow stopped at some point yesterday afternoon. It’s impossible to tell when the snow stopped, because the wind never let up. The ice blocking the view out of the windows was gone by dinnertime. Shawshank spent the day at work, handling stuff. It took a lot of convincing to get her to leave early, but his boss made it to the city. I fired up Tiktok and streamed for a couple of hours. It’s a good way to spend the afternoon, according to no one but me. I’m not camped out on the couch. Movement is good. Is it a full out workout, like I used to do? Nope. But it’s still an activity.

Tonight is date night. Shawshank is going to work, and I’ll do my thing all day. Starting with a shower.


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