she’s a good kitty

she’s a good kitty

Good morning, folks. Happy Saturday. We’re shaping up for a scorcher today, with temps forecast to move above freezing at some point. Yesterday, one of the shop regulars told Shawshank the crows are back, which means only three more snows until Spring arrives. We heard the same thing last night, at the restaurant when we were having dinner. The crows are back, along with the ravens and the magpies. According to the weather forecast, we should expect some snow tomorrow.

Aside from the arrival of the crows, our Friday was pretty uneventful. I assumed the human form, did human things. I’ve definitely gotten into a groove with the afternoon spin time. It’s completely pointless, but the poi gets me off the fucking couch. I feel like I’ve done something, even if all that something is spinning poi in the living room. Streaming my bullshit live is just an added bonus.

The universe needs this fucking energy.

Whatever strain of dried weed we bought the last time is a wonderfully “dancey” strain. I’ve started warming up with my leviwand before I switch to the poi. I really love the way the wand looks in the hands of someone really good. For some reason, when I have the wand, I suddenly turn back into my teenage dramatic lip sync self. I’ve started recording the warm ups with the intention of posting more wand content. Instead, we get this stuff.


someone needs to go back to 1992 and tell 15 year old me that someday when she’s “old”, she’ll have pink hair and still be rocking to her favorite Stevie Nicks song #justhigher #flowartsmovement #flowarts #leviwand

♬ Enchanted (2016 Remaster) – Stevie Nicks

We’re driving out to Slightly BiggerTown to do some shopping this morning. I need to put real clothes on again. Yesterday, I went out with only one layer of pants on. It’s almost to the point I could wear sneakers if I wanted.


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