White Stuff, Blue Stuff

White Stuff, Blue Stuff

Good morning, y’all. Looks like it’s snowing again, but at least the fresh coat looks pretty.

Yesterday, I had another creative day. I started the day off with a live stream, this time set up with all the LED poi lighting up the shower. No one watched, as expected. No one ever watches. However, the archive quality wasn’t awful, so I saved the stream and put it up for sale. I finished the rest of my content creation before Shawshank even came back home for lunch. Now, I just need to edit that shit and sell it.

I had planned to go live on TikTok in the afternoon, but plans changed. Shawshank came home early so we could go to the secondhand shop. After our library reorganization over the weekend, we had some books to donate. We picked up a tiny crock pot and an even tinier cast iron pan, and found some replacement lids for each. I found an enameled kidney tray mixed in with the household goods room, and an eyewash cup made from gorgeous cobalt blue glass.

I think we paid about $5 for everything.

We spent the rest of the day on the couch. Shawshank wasn’t feeling so hot after dinner, so we just sort of kicked it and watched old CSI episodes for the rest of the evening.

I expect today to be almost identical to yesterday. I would like to take a bath and give myself a pedicure. I’ll probably do some streaming stuff in the afternoon, and have some fun with my poi. In between, I’ll try to be creative.


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