so little substance, so many gifs

so little substance, so many gifs

Hello, world. Gather around and let me tell you about the snow.

There’s a fucking lot of it.

The snow didn’t slow down until late yesterday afternoon, eventually stopping sometime around dinner. The wind never stopped. While it wasn’t as bad as it was earlier, there was still a pretty stiff breeze when the two of us went to bed.

We spent the day lounging around on the couch in our jammies, taking turns playing Breath of The Wild again. The two of us have very different play styles. He sticks to the roads, I play Climbing Sim 2000 and coined the term “hate climb”. I try to turn Link into one of my Skyrim stealth archers, Shawshank runs on brute force and ignorance. A couple of nights ago, he stumbled on the Forgotten Temple. He ran inside just far enough to wake up every guardian before he noped out of the place.

I couldn’t let that slide. There was cover. I could do it, be sneaky and shit and get in. My first run through took me around an hour, with me taking out one guardian, and sneaking about halfway in. Then I had an idea. I saved the game. Shawshank asked if it was going to be a “hold my beer” moment.

At one point I was shouting “trust the process trust the process” It was the most hold-my-beeriest moment I’ve ever had in a game, and I am notorious for getting myself/us into bullshit situations in games.

So of course, when Shawshank asked me to do it for him, I had to do it again. This time, it took longer for him to get to the entrance of the Temple than it took me to get through it. He handed me the controller. I saved his game, dried my hands and the controller and smoked a bit because watch this shit this is going to be awesome.

I Leroy Jenkinsed that bitch.

Shawshank shoveled some of the patio so we could leave the house today, if we so desired. I peeked at the Hot Mess Express from the back steps, and it doesn’t look like it’s too buried at all. The poi pit Shawshank shoveled out for me has completely filled in, as did the pathway to the street. Thankfully, we don’t use the apartment’s front door, because we absolutely wouldn’t be leaving.

The murder shows, laundry, and chores have been started. We’ve got the next two days home, unless we opt to go up to Shady Acres for dinner. The cats are teasing each other, and Shawshank is outside with our single snow shovel, digging.


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