The cat is staring at him

Wednesday, cold, and sunny. We’re awake and doing morning things. “Morning things” includes watching news, snuggling cats, and scrolling through the internet like ADHD-addled third-graders.

We had a good day yesterday. Better than Monday for me, anyway. Shawshank worked half the day. His boss is on vacation this week, and told him to just “put out any fires” from the weekend and take the rest of the day off. With the Murdaugh trial over, I’m no longer binge-watching the courtroom proceedings like it’s my job. When Shawshank went to work, I assumed a human form and put on real clothes.

Since I knew he would be home for the afternoon, I put on Breath of The Wild so I could play before he left work. We continued swapping throughout the afternoon. Later, we took a break and headed out to the secondhand store. We lucked out, they were having a bag sale. For $14, we filled two bags with clothes. Shawshank found a bunch of nice sweaters, and I picked out a hockey jersey, a top, and a satin nightie. We headed back home and spent the rest of the afternoon and evening with controllers in our hands. At one point, late in the evening, Shawshank put on Archer, but neither of us had the attention span to watch it. We switched over to my phone and we scrolled through some Tiktok videos.

I plan to take on my human form earlier today, as I should take some pictures. I’m really off my routine lately.


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