Colder and warmer

Colder and warmer

Yo. It’s Saturday. The sun is coming up, and I can see what’s happening outside.

It’s cold, that’s what’s happening.

Our Friday went off without a hitch. Shawshank worked all day, and I did human adult things. I spread Shawshank‘s heating pad out on the couch so both Chaucer and Pippin could sleep on it. When he came home at lunch, Shawshank moved the pad over to the foot rest the cats sleep on.

Once they both start running around this morning, I’ll turn the pad on. We’ll see how long it takes one of them to realize it’s warm.

I did nothing for the most part yesterday. I watched the State absolutely cream Alex Murdaugh on the stand while I schmoozed Twitter, but not much else. After Thursday afternoon’s boring questions about his financial misdeeds, Friday’s onslaught of questions and Murdaugh’s ensuing flustered blubbering was great. We went out for dinner last night, and had a good date night. They were pulling the winning name for a raffle, and enlisted me as an impartial party to do the drawing on their Facebook page. We had barely been back at the house when Shawshank‘s mother texted to let him she saw it.

Shawshank has work today, and in a cruel twist of fate has to spend a Saturday with his boss. As for me, I’m probably going to be a human girl today. I don’t know what else I’ll do. Maybe some Breath of The Wild; if I can warm up enough, maybe some yoga to stretch, maybe put the headphones on and get some spin time. I’d also like to clip the sides of my head at some point this weekend. Decisions, decisions. The only thing we don’t need to decide is dinner: we’re having chicken nuggets and poutine.

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