Howdy-ho, my friends. Welcome to another Thursday. Mine is cold as balls, as far as I know. I haven’t been near the door, yet. However, I checked the weather, and it’s not looking like I’ll be outside slinging poi anytime soon.

Last night’s sleep was better than the previous. Unlike other recent nights, I don’t remember waking up at midnight. I tried a different sleeping position last night, and it seems to have helped at least somewhat. I remember waking up at 4:31am, and briefly wondering if I should put my earbuds in before falling asleep again. About two hours later, I was awake, and just stayed in my blanket cocoon.
Yesterday was a #selfcaresaturday sort of day. In an effort to perform some sort of activity – any activity – I got off my ass and did a long yoga workout yesterday. It marked the first actual workout I’ve done in over a year, and even longer for yoga. I loaded up my favorite video, moved the pirate chest, and got on the floor. Over the course of the next hour, I bent myself into positions I haven’t tried since I left Rhode Island. Pippin helped. While I finished the session, it was hard. I will be feeling it later today, of that I have no doubt at all. Shawshank suggested I start from the basics again, and that’s definitely the best idea.
To make things even better, I followed the hour of yoga with a bubble bath. Pippin helped.

We’ve made it over the hump, and the weekend is coming. Shawshank has tomorrow off, and it’s a nice long weekend for him. He started the truck up this morning and let it run for a bit, so it should be good to go for the drive to Regina on Saturday. We’re going out for dinner tonight, and then kicking it on the couch. Maybe tomorrow we’ll play some Cat Quest 2.