Good morning, world. Happy Saturday. Welcome to the weekend. The sun is coming up, but it’s rising later in the mornings now and I don’t see the colorful shit until sometime around the second cup of coffee.
Correction: something cleared up and the sun broke through in a spectacular way, as usual, just earlier than expected.

Yesterday wasn’t too bad. I was a little slow to get moving, but I did do the things I wanted to cross off my list. First and foremost, I signed up to get back on birth control, which will be delivered at some point next week I think. So yay.
Shawshank‘s got a backache. This is what happens when he works alone and has to move furniture all day. I was in the shop helping yesterday, painting some sandwich board signs for out front. Later, I helped move some stuff around the shop. I’ll be there helping again today, as there’s no way he can move shit around the way he is.But once again, our afternoon will be free. Since my sleep was more of the same – up early and often – I’ll probably take a little nap in the afternoon.
Tomorrow, we’re driving into Regina. We’re planning to leave a little early, which will give us most of the day to shop. We have a few stops on our list before the 2+ hour drive back home. We’ll take the opportunity to buy groceries at Walmart, but I’m most excited about the junk stores.
With any luck we’ll be back by dinner time.
We just need to get through today.
Since you’re in the Commonwealth now and it is Guy Fawkes day, is V for Vendetta on for the evenings viewing pleasure