Hey, y’all. I’m up. Maybe not bright eyed and bushy tailed, but up and about nonetheless. Chaucer has already started yowling at the patio door. He’s sending out good vibes to manifest what he wants and live his best life. What energy have you put out into the universe lately?

We did absolutely nothing yesterday. I could tell Brian was restless. He asked Mom several times if she wanted/needed to go anywhere. The only place she wanted to go stays closed on Sunday. We stayed home all day. Brian finished last weekend’s project and took down the satellite dish and cables. I took Chaucer outside for a little while. The lizards remained well hidden, although I did hear one throw itself with a thud against either the wall or grill. In the late afternoon, I booted up the Switch and escaped to Skyrim.

At some point in between trips to the patio and across Tamriel, I brought some of the terrariums out to the kitchen. I set up the microscope and looked at everything happening in the jars. I don’t want to seem too excited, but I feel like the Great Snail Uprising has finally been completely quashed. Teensycola and Fern Gully look good. Terra 3 is still thriving. The Apothecarium is lovely and lush.

And then there’s Vault 5.

Vault 5 is still …. existing. The surface level is a mix of sand with a few patches of moss. Pennywort grows weirdly tall and spindly, except in the drainage area where it’s weird and small. Some ivy is attempting to spiral around the bottom, and the ferns I planted are happily putting out runners just below the surface. It has a little forest sprite and some rocks and leaf litter. A few random blades of grass and clovers grow, but there’s really nothing but the sandy ground and a light coating of fungus.

But for some reason, pretty much all of Vault 5’s fucking springtails live underground, in the drainage area. I can’t get them to come up to the top. To be fair, I have spotted a couple of springtails hanging out up top, but they are not nearly as plentiful as in the lower area. Fucking morlocks.

We’ve got one appointment in the afternoon, but Mom also wants to make trips to Home Depot and Hobby Lobby. I assume we’ll fill the latter half of the day driving around town. Also, she just realized she has the appointment, so who knows if we’ll go out anywhere else. There’s a weather alert for the day because we might see some thunderstorms in the afternoon. Will I get to play outside in the sunshine? Probably not.


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