Morning, y’all. Happy Tuesday. While it’s sunny right now, there are storms on the way. We know this because Chaucer is being weird and pacing around the house. The weather was supposed to get interesting overnight. However, it looks like the forecast switched up a bit, and we had nothing last night. We have some winds popping up at the moment, and the clouds have moved in over the hour or so I’ve taken to type this. The rain is supposed to show up after lunchtime, with the big stuff rolling in later tonight. No outdoor fun for me today, it’s a WEATHER ALERT DAY.
With that forecast, I guess I should be happy I was able to do something good outdoors while I could. I finally dragged the paints and the rest of the gear outside. I’ve been watching some tutorials on watercolors this week because sailing the seven seas for good stuff has been unreliable lately. The tutorials make me want to actually do stuff, which is a good thing. I wanted to try out a different style, and attempted a line and wash method.
The Current WIP(s)

Again, this is something I’m not great at. Watercolors are very much a “trust the process” thing. At the same time, line/wash style plays fast and loose with the colors. The two paintings here are the result of about 90 minutes of painting. I added a bit more details to Hog Island Shoal Light while I was video chatting with Shawshank. I put stuff away when I realized that’s just fucking impolite to do.
I’ve been showing off the jar-den to Shawshank at night. Things are more active in there after dark, springtails and nematodes like to come out then. The snails are active all the time. I’m still having a lot of condensation problems with Terra 3. I need to find something to cover the top to keep its fauna inside and the outside fauna out of the jar, as well as let the moisture out. I’ll steal some old pantyhose from Mom or something.
I should put some clothes on. We don’t have plans for today. I’ll probably lay down some lines for paintings, now that I have a basic understanding of how line/wash works. Regardless of what I’m doing, I think it’s about time to be human.