Good morning, world. This is a new week, and we have sunshine this morning to start things off. The last I saw, at least one cat was surveilling their lands from the back door. I’ve been awake for a little while, but not early enough to be angry about it.

We enjoyed the first full day of Shawshank‘s weekend yesterday. We sat around, and not a lot happened. Shawshank cleaned the bathroom, and I helped fold the laundry. When we finally tired of watching old Dateline episodes, Shawshank grabbed the Switch controller and played Tears of The Kingdom while I read random shit online. We swapped at lunch, and I played until we headed out to Shady Acres in the afternoon.

Shawshank‘s parents bought an RV recently, and brought it home on Saturday. His mom gave us a tour. The sellers left a lot of the housewares, which she offered to us before donating it to the secondhand store. I scored 5-6 nice Tupperware bowls with lids, but left the 30-year old coffee mugs.

We came home, stuffed with Kraft Dinner and chicken tenders. Shawshank loaded up his game. I grabbed some poi and earbuds and went outside for some spin time. I haven’t been outside to spin for any length of time since I left Florida. Last night was the perfect weather for spinning: not so hot that I was drenched in sweat, not cool or breezy enough to make what sweat was there cold.

I put some loud music in my ears, leaned the phone against the steps, and set up a live stream on TikTok. Then I lost track of time. I spent almost 2 hours outside. Shawshank came outside at one point. I took a break, and we did bong rips on the steps, just outside of the camera’s view.

Today is Sloth Day. We’re going to have brunch and probably do as little as possible. Maybe I’ll assume a human form and spin outside again.


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