Tag: wishlist

March 25, 2021 / Random

Dear self, I don’t care how much money you have in the bank, YOU CAN NOT HAVE A FUCKING THEREMIN. Sincerely,Your logical side

December 9, 2020 / Life in General

Morning, folks. The sun is barely over the horizon and I’ve already done a load of dishes. Look at me, adulting early in the morning. I spent some time last night updating my Amazon wishlists. I had a lot of items that weren’t active items, or things that wouldn’t fit, and things that were for…

January 29, 2020 / Life in General

Greetings from Wednesday morning. I’m posting a little late today; BossRPh texted last night to ask if I could please work a late shift today. NewTech, with whom “unreliable” would be a generous term to describe her on a regular week, has strep throat. Or thinks she does. I expect to go into work today…